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A Symphony for a Common Man

A Symphony for a Common Man

Brazilian ambassador José Bustani, the first director of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, tried to avoid the destruction of Iraq, but was forced out under pressure from the USA in their march to war. Ousted from his position, he now revisits the chilling events that marked a turning point in global power structures. Today, similar situations are repeating themselves in multilateral organisations.

Dir. José Joffily - 86min - 2022 - Brazil

"Story of expert who knew Saddam Hussein had no chemical weapons, but was ousted to give Bush and Blair a pretext for invading Iraq, plays out like a real-life version of George Clooney’s Syriana" - Guardian

"Nearly twenty years later, Bustani and others involved look back at the American abuse of power as a warning. Bustani still gets emotional when he repeats the resignation speech he gave at the time. As a talented pianist, he finds inner peace in classical music." - IDFA

"acts as a warning to current contemporary crises, highlighting the need for transparency and honesty in international politics." - Bertha DocHouse

A Symphony for a Common Man
  • A Symphony For a Common Man

    Dir. José Joffily - 86min - 2022 - Brazil

    Brazilian ambassador José Bustani, the first director of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, tried to avoid the destruction of Iraq, but was forced out under pressure from the USA in their march to war. Ousted from his position, he ...


  • A Symphony for a Common Man - Trailer

    As head of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Brazilian diplomat José Bustani became an obstacle in America’s march to war with Iraq. Ousted from his position, he now revisits the chilling events that marked a turning point in global power structures.