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In Camouflage, writer Félix Bruzzone embodies a runner who has an obsession with Campo de Mayo, the biggest military unit in Argentina. It is also the place where his mother disappeared in 1976 and the main clandestine centre of detention, torture and extermination during the last dictatorship. The film will follow Félix as he finds characters that allow him to enter and explore this place so loaded with history.

Dir. Jonathan Perel - 93min - 2022 - Argentina

"The dark past of Campo de Mayo, a military camp that once served as a vast detention centre during Argentina’s so-called dirty war, is excavated in Jonathan Perel’s haunting documentary...encounters with witnesses of the dictatorship’s atrocities show that history is far from dormant, but a living, breathing thing." - Guardian

"the camera lingers on the endless lands that conceal the country’s bloody secrets....moving on from the end of history is impossible, but necessary for our capacity to love and connect." - Alt/Kino

"the image emerges of a present resting on the layers of a cruel past." - IDFA

"the casual violence of the context make the shots physically present, and terrifying, in a way I don’t recall experiencing before in a film." - Filmmaker Magazine

"a visceral embodiment of psychic trauma." - Open City Documentary Festival

"none of them seems to be able to escape the gravitational force that keeps them tied to a place that carries the heavy turbulence of history, that nightmare from which Bruzzone and the others seem unable to awake." - Visions du Reel

"The idyllic countryside provides a stark contrast to the atrocities committed by the Argentine government" - Ji-hlava

  • Camouflage

    Dir. Jonathan Perel - 93min - 2022 - Argentina

    In Camouflage, writer Félix Bruzzone embodies a runner who has an obsession with Campo de Mayo, the biggest military unit in Argentina. It is also the place where his mother disappeared in 1976 and the main clandestine centre of detention, torture a...


  • Camouflage - Trailer

    In Camouflage, writer Félix Bruzzone embodies a runner who has an obsession with Campo de Mayo, the biggest military unit in Argentina. It is also the place where his mother disappeared in 1976 and the main clandestine center of detention, torture and extermination during the last dictatorship. ...