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Perhaps What I Fear Does Not Exist

Perhaps What I Fear Does Not Exist

When her father becomes suddenly paralised, the filmmaker spends four years in between hospitals finding shelter, behind her camera, away from a family tragedy.

Rehabilitation centres, VR experiments, fervent prayers, voice notes, love making and cemeteries are the record of a filmmaker’s journey trying to amend the impossible: finding absolution for a broken family by making her father walk again.

Dir. Corine Shawi - 72min - 2022 - Lebanon

"The first time I saw my dad cry was in September 2016. He had just received the news that nothing could be done for him anymore; he would never be able to walk again. In that hospital bed this film began; not from a desire to make a movie but as a way to cope with what had happened." Corine Shawi introduces her film on the

"Beirut, night, cemeteries, sensualities...A touching description of a status quo and a testimony to resignation and renewal." - DOK Leipzig

"the film’s beautifully enigmatic title....gets at the heart of Shawi’s crisis. During one particularly momentous conversation, Shawi’s sister advises that she should also follow her own dreams, instead of being tethered to the needs of their admirably self-sufficient parents. Like the film’s recurring images of a hand peeling off dried tree-bark to reveal a fresh surface underneath, the film appears to seek the same kind of renewal." - Guardian

Perhaps What I Fear Does Not Exist
  • Perhaps What I Fear Does Not Exist

    Dir. Corine Shawi - 72min - 2022 - Lebanon

    When her father becomes suddenly paralised, the filmmaker spends four years in between hospitals finding shelter, behind her camera, away from a family tragedy.

    Rehabilitation centres, VR experiments, fervent prayers, voice notes, love making and cemet...


  • Perhaps What I Fear Does Not Exist - Trailer

    When her father becomes suddenly paralyzed, the filmmaker spends four years in between hospitals finding shelter, behind her camera, away from a family tragedy. Rehabilitation centers, VR experiments, fervent prayers, voice notes, love making and cemeteries are the record of a filmmaker’s journey...