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Suddenly, A Strike

Suddenly, A Strike

In the Semperit tyre factory, the only strike after World War II takes place in May 1978, lasting for three weeks. The film shows the course of the strike in interviews, photos, graphics and talks at a pub; it draws attention to the position of the union between its loyalty to the workers and its responsibilities towards the entrepreneurs.

Dir. Ruth Beckermann, Josef Aichholzer - 21min - 1977 - Austria

"To allow oneself to get involved, to improvise, to employ the camera as a social actor – these I imagine are the lead ideas of Ruth Beckermann and Josef Aichholzer" - Work in Motion, Siegfried Mattl, 2007

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Suddenly, A Strike
  • Suddenly, A Strike

    Dir. Ruth Beckermann, Josef Aichholzer - 1977 - Austria

    In the Semperit tyre factory, the only strike after World War II takes place in May 1978, lasting for three weeks. The film shows the course of the strike in interviews, photos, graphics and talks at a pub; it draws attention to the positio...
