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Apr 2 - A Cow's Life

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Mar 26 - Treasure Island

Coming Soon • 1m 50s

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  • Apr 2 - A Cow's Life

    The true life of a cow: grazing, ruminating, gazing - but also feeling - mooing with grief, or simply enjoying an apple...

  • Apr 7 - The Secret Garden

    The inhabitants of a city awake one morning to find that never-before- seen trees, plants, and flowers suddenly erupted throughout the streets and in the squares. Strange and mysterious events start taking place as Camelia and Nahla investigate the origins of these new and peculiar creatures.

  • May 9 - Le Film De Mon Pére

    Le Film de Mon Père is my first film. The one my father always dreamt I would make. And perhaps, that’s the issue.

    One day he bought a video camera and started filming himself daily. His goal: to offer me this autobiographical footage in order for me to make my first film. The diary of a lonely ...